Cedar County Community Partnerships for Protecting Children
107 Cedar Street
Tipton, IA 52772
Cedar County Community Partnerships for Protecting Children (CPPC) is a community based approach to child protection. Partnerships work to prevent child abuse, neglect, re-abuse, safely decrease the number of out-of-home placements, and promote timely reunification when children are placed in foster care. The long term focus of the Community Partnerships is to protect children by changing the culture to improve child welfare processes, practices and policies. The Community Partnership approach involves four key strategies which are implemented together to achieve desired results. In Cedar County our CPPC board is comprised of many different agencies serving Cedar County families. CPPC also represents Families First of Cedar County which is the group focusing on Child Abuse prevention in Cedar County. Together these two groups are working to help in supporting families and strengthening communities because protecting children is everyones business.
Iowa Department of Human Services- Child and Dependent Adult Welfare Services
Muscatine County DHS
315 Iowa Avenue, Suite 2
Muscatine, IA 52761
Information on Child and Adult Welfare Services for Muscatine County. The Muscatine County Office also serves Cedar County. Louisa County is served through Henry County DHS.
To report child or adult abuse, call the Statewide Abuse Hotline: 1-800-362-2178
Mississippi Valley Child Protection Center
1600 Mulberry Avenue
Muscatine, Iowa 52761
The MVCPC provides forensic interviews, medical exams, and family advocacy to child victims of abuse and their non-offering caregivers. Referrals are only taken from law enforcement and the Department of Human Services. If you suspect child abuse, plese first call DHS and/or law enforcement. Those agencies will make a referral if appropriate. The MVCPC also provides community education training and presentations to professionals and community members. Please contact us for a list of programs.
Muscatine County Department of Human Services
315 Iowa Avenue Suite 2
Economic programs - cash welfare payments, food stamps, medical assistance (Medicaid), Medicare reimbursement, state supplemental assistance, nursing/residential facility benefits, and information and referral. Service Programs - Adoption, Child Day Care, Child Protective Assessments, Dependent adult protective investigations, Family centered services, family preservation services, foster care, foster home-licensing, in-home health related care, waiver services and information and referral. Please call to schedule an appointment.
RAINN (Rape Abuse and Incenst National Network)
Online hotline available at rainn.org (English) or rainn.org/es (Spanish)
RAINN provides a telephone and online hotline for rape, abuse, and incest concerns in both English and Spanish: rainn.org (English) or rainn.org/es (Spanish) or 1-800-656-HOPE.