Adventist Community Service Center


1103 E 9th Street
Muscatine, IA 52761
Emergency number for urgent needs: 563-607-1855

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Resource updated: August 21, 2019

The Community Service Center provides free clothing, coats, and household items to anyone in need.

Tuesdays @ 9AM

Clothes Closet


600 E. Fifth Street
Wilton, IA

Resource updated: August 21, 2019

The Clothes Closet is located in the old REC building and is available to individuals living in the Wilton and Durant School Districts. All clothing items are 25 cents each.

Community Action of Eastern Iowa- Coats for Kids


101 Lynn St
Tipton IA 52772

Phone: Fax:
(563) 275-4320
Hours / Days of Operation:

Tuesday and Thursday by appointment only.

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Resource updated: February 4, 2020

Coats for Kids is a program to provide coats for children from a coat drive through KCRG TV.

Community Action of Eastern Iowa- Kids Coat Connection


1903 Park Ave
Muscatine IA 52761

Phone: Toll-Free Phone: Hours / Days of Operation:

M-F 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Applications on Wednesday by appointment only.

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Resource updated: August 21, 2019

Kids Coat Connection program provides winter coats for children provided through community coat donations.

Community Diaper Bank

Phone: Hours / Days of Operation:


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Resource updated: February 3, 2020
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The Community Diaper Bank strives to raise awareness of the diaper need in our community, while advocating for families in need and ensuring that these families have an adequate supply of diapers.

Diapers can be received from and of our partner agencies.

Community Action, Trinity Muscatine Public Health, MCSD Parents as Teachers, Salvation Army, and Lutheran Services in Iowa

Community Hope Chest


Bethany Lutheran Church
235 S 2nd Street
West Branch, IA 52358


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Resource updated: January 7, 2020

The Community Hope Chest provides new and gently used clothes for people of all ages (infant sizes through adult)

Drop-In Hours: Tuesdays 1:30-4:30pm

Call to schedule an appointment outside those hours. You may need to leave a voicemail and your call will be returned as soon as possible.

Family Necessity Pantry


LSI's Tipton Office
122 W 7th St
Tipton, IA 52772

Resource updated: August 21, 2019

Lutheran Services in Iowa Provides a Necessity Pantry for individuals residing in Cedar County. A family may use the pantry up to twice per year. Examples of supplies available include diapers, formula, wipes, hygiene products, and toilet paper. Call 563-886-6773 for more information.

Infant Closet at United Methodist Church


113 E 5th Street, West Liberty, IA 52776


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Resource updated: October 25, 2023

Diapers, Wipes, Baby Lotion, Baby Wash, and other items available to those in need in the West Liberty School District.

Lighthouse Clothing Closet


The Island United Methodist Church
136 North Street
Fruitland, Iowa

Resource updated: August 21, 2019

The Lighthouse Clothing Closet is a clothing pantry that is available the 2nd Saturday of every month from 9:00am- 10:30am.

Voluntary Action Council


1027 North Calhoun Street
West Libery, Iowa 52776
(319) 627-4347

Resource updated: August 21, 2019

Voluntary Action Council aims to serve the needs of the community in West Liberty School District. Services include; food pantry, clothing and furniture placement, emergency aid, and transportation. The clothing and furniture placement program is administered through a voucher system by West Liberty area churches to Goodwill.

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