Amerigroup Iowa, Inc. (Medicaid Managed Care Organization)

Toll-Free Phone:

Visit Website

Resource updated: August 21, 2019

Amerigroup Iowa, Inc. is one of the four Iowa Medicaid Managed Care Organizations.

Iowa Total Care


1080 Jordan Creek Parkway

Suite 100 S

West Des Moines, IA 50266



Visit Website

Resource updated: February 3, 2022

Iowa Total Care  is one of the two Iowa Medicaid Managed Care Organizations.

Medicaid Member Services


Member Services
P.O. Box 36510
Des Moines, IA 50315

Toll-Free Phone:

Visit Website

Resource updated: August 21, 2019

This contact information is for Iowa Medicaid Members to ask questions regarding their health coverage.

For questions regarding Medicaid Modernization call the number listed here or email questions to

National Marketplace Call Center


TTY 1-855-889-4325

Toll-Free Phone:

Visit Website

Resource updated: August 21, 2019 and the National Marketplace Call Center offers information regarding insurance options.

Tambien informacion esta disponible en espanol por telefono o

Trinity Muscatine Public Health- Hawk-i & Presumptive Medicaid Programs


1609 Cedar Street
Muscatine, IA 52761

Phone: Hours / Days of Operation:

Tuesday 8:30am-6:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am-3:30pm
Thursday 8:00am-12:00pm
Friday 9:30am-3:30pm

Resource updated: August 21, 2019

Hawk-I is a free or low cost health insurance program offered for children who do not otherwise qualify for Medicaid services. Presumptive Medicaid is a temporary insurance coverage for children that is only offered once in a 12 month period. Assistance is available for both English and Spanish speaking consumers.

Trinity Muscatine Public Health- Insurance Assistance


1609 Cedar St.
Muscatine, IA 52761

Phone: Hours / Days of Operation:

Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

Resource updated: August 21, 2019

Assistance with enrollment into Medicaid, Presumptive Medicaid or Marketplace Insurance.

Appointments consist of going over coverage and/or plan options in addition to offering information to have a greater understanding of what is available for health insurance options in Iowa and Illinois.

Presumptive Medicaid is a temporary insurance only offered once in a 12 month period.

Trinity Muscatine Public Health- Iowa Care for Yourself Program


1609 Cedar St.
Muscatine, IA 52761

Phone: Hours / Days of Operation:

Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

Resource updated: August 21, 2019

The Iowa Care for Yourself Program promotes and protects the health of Iowa women by increasing the number of those who are screened for breast cancer, cervical cancer and cardiovascular health issues. Local staff can help you schedule: clinical breast exams, mammograms, pelvic exams, Pap tests, and height and weight measurements, blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose tests to check your heart disease risk.
Additionally the Care for Yourself program offers education, goal setting and referrals to community-based programs that support physical activity, healthy eating, smoking cessation and lower your health risks.

UnitedHealthcare Plan of the River Valley, Inc. (Medicaid Managed Care Organization)

Toll-Free Phone:

Visit Website

Resource updated: August 21, 2019

UnitedHealthcare Plan of the River Valley, Inc. is an insurance company that has been selected as one of the Iowa Medicaid Managed Care Organizations.

WellCare of Iowa, Inc.

Toll-Free Phone:

Visit Website

Resource updated: August 21, 2019

WellCare of Iowa, Inc. is an insurance company that was selected as one of the four Iowa Medicaid Managed Care Organizations.

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