Immunizations are available at no charge to those 18 years of age and younger who are uninsured, underinsured (have insurance that does not cover vaccines), or are insured by Medicaid.
Some adult and child vaccinations are also available for those who are insured by Blue Cross Blue Shield or wish to pay privately.
Please call ahead for an appointment.
In addition, Cedar County Public Health provides flu clinics, childhood lead screenings, health promotion and education, injury prevention programs, and tobacco prevention services. The Public Health department is also responsible for planning and response during public health emergencies in Cedar County.
Childhood vaccinations through VFC Program of Iowa Department of Public Health
(Participants must have NO Insurance or Insurance that does NOT cover childhood vaccines).
Trinity Muscatine Public Health provides immunization services to children and adolescents who qualify for the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program and adult vaccinations for Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough), Influenza, and Hepatitis B.
To qualify for the VFC (Vaccines for Children) program your child/adolescent must meet one of the following criteria:
Enrolled in Medicaid (Title 19)
Does not have health insurance
is American Indian or Native Alaskan
has health insurance that DOES NOT pay for vaccinations
Walmart Pharmacy offers a variety of prescription medications as well as over-the-counter options. Seasonal vaccinations such as Flue and Pneumonia may also be available.
Immunizations are available at no charge to those 18 years of age and younger who are uninsured, underinsured (have insurance that does not cover vaccines), or are insured by Medicaid.
Some adult and child vaccinations are also available for those who are insured by Blue Cross Blue Shield or wish to pay privately.
Please call ahead for an appointment.
In addition, Cedar County Public Health provides flu clinics, childhood lead screenings, health promotion and education, injury prevention programs, and tobacco prevention services. The Public Health department is also responsible for planning and response during public health emergencies in Cedar County.
Childhood vaccinations through VFC Program of Iowa Department of Public Health
(Participants must have NO Insurance or Insurance that does NOT cover childhood vaccines).
Trinity Muscatine Public Health provides immunization services to children and adolescents who qualify for the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program and adult vaccinations for Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough), Influenza, and Hepatitis B.
To qualify for the VFC (Vaccines for Children) program your child/adolescent must meet one of the following criteria:
Enrolled in Medicaid (Title 19)
Does not have health insurance
is American Indian or Native Alaskan
has health insurance that DOES NOT pay for vaccinations
Walmart Pharmacy offers a variety of prescription medications as well as over-the-counter options. Seasonal vaccinations such as Flue and Pneumonia may also be available.